Sentinel Service API

The Sentinel Service API defines RESTful services that consumers may utilize when integrating with the Sentinel system.

Data Model

The following describes, at a high level, the data model of entities supported by the Sentinel platform.

Audit Event Data Model

Audit events are events used to track when a user has caused an action within a system. An audit event is uniquely identified by a minimum of three attributes (and, consequently, requires, at minimum, these attributes):

The following are optional fields that you can supply to describe your audit event:

Additionally, every event can contain a number of key-multivalue pairs of attributes describing additional properties of the attribute, themselves, are not necessarily part of the core data model, but help describe the context around an audited event.

Provided Attributes

The Sentinel platform, itself, provides a number of attributes that further describe details of your event.

System and System & Tenant Names

By default, all events received have a SYSTEM attribute added that contains the authenticated identifier of the system that submitted an event.

Additionally, if available, the SYSTEM:NAME and TENANT:NAME meta attributes are added to events, each of which containing a more human-readable descriptor of the system and/or tenant (if such information is available at time of processing the event).

Person Details

If the Sentinel platform, upon receipt of an event, sees a user identifier for which it can retrieve details, it will add the following meta attributes for that attribute:

The following identifiers are supported for this kind of expansion:

Registration Data Model

Registrations describe information about the events that will be emitted by your system. Each registration describes each event your system will emit, as well as all possible attributes that could be emitted on that attribute. Bear in mind that your events do not have to always have all registered attributes present when you emit that event; your registrations are only to describe all possible attributes that can be present on an event.

At minimum, a registration is uniquely identified (and, implicitly, requires, at minimum, all of these attributes):

All registrations are versioned in Sentinel to help tie audited events to the registrations that describe them at the time of emittance.

Optionally, for an individual event, you can submit descriptions (the data elements described further below) for the following attributes:

You can also submit descriptions for any and all possible attributes that may be emitted along with your events.

Attribute Definitions

For tenant, user, and arbitrary attributes associated with your events, you can describe the following about these audit event attributes:

Attribute Types

The following types are available to describe data within an attribute:


The following endpoints are available: